How Do You Get Over Heartbreak?

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What’s the fastest way to get over heartbreak? There’s no quick fix to mend a broken heart, but you’ll get by with a little help from your frolo friends! We took to the Frolo feed to find out how you would all recommend recovering from heartbreak, and we thought the answers were so helpful that we’d share them on the blog.

Photo by Marah Bashir on Unsplash

How Do You Get Over Heartbreak?

If you’re a single parent recovering from heartbreak, it can be even harder to focus on getting over your break-up, as you have to continue to prioritise the children, however you’re feeling. But all is not lost. The absolute first thing you should do is download the Frolo app and connect with some people in the same situation as you. They say misery loves company, well, so does heartbreak! (We’ve done the research!) On the app you’ll instantly find a host of virtual meetups to attend to connect with others going through the same thing. Or check out the ‘Moving on from separation’ group chat to see how others are coping. 

If you’re dealing with heartbreak as well as becoming a single parent for the first time, you might be feeling a bit overwhelmed. As well as seeking support on the Frolo app, you can order a copy of How To Be A Happy Single Parent by Frolo founder Zoë & her frolo friend Rebecca. 

Ready to get over your heartbreak quickly? Read our top tips and experiences from some of the single mums and dads on Frolo. 

Tips For Getting Over Heartbreak

‘I stayed busy. As much running and exercise as possible and then Frolo and friends. Chatting to people on Frolo on a Monday night was a lifesaver for me. Monday after it was their mum’s weekend used to be the worst night of the week. So… keep busy and talk to people. In time you heal, and life starts again.’ 

‘Keep busy and get a hobby to focus on. Lean on supportive friends and try as hard as possible to hate your ex!’ 

‘Take time to heal. Take time to think over what went wrong and what was your fault.’ 

‘Spend some time accepting that you’re going to feel utterly miserable, and give yourself some time until your subconscious says ‘I’m done’ and you can pick yourself back up again.’ 

‘A lot of reflection, both on the relationship, and on yourself. Unpick what it is that you’re sad about losing, was it something that was unique to you and your ex, or something you brought to the table that you’ll likely do again one day when ready? When you’re ready you’ll have something similar: you were capable of it once, you’re capable of it again.’ 

‘Don’t dwell on what has been, and what didn’t work, look forward to all that you’ll experience in the future.’ 

‘Take time to grieve what’s lost, process this and accept that things will probably feel rubbish for a while. Know that you will get through it however long it takes. You might not be the same person as before, but you will get there. Have faith that better things will come.’ 

‘Look inward, not outward. You can provide yourself with everything.’ 

‘Keeping busy, exercise, good food and being kind to yourself are all key. As is realising that you can only control your behaviour and not other people’s actions. Reaching out to friends when needed is also important.’ 

‘Read ‘A Path Through The Jungle’ by professor Steve Peters, which is awesome and explains how your mind works and how to stop overthinking. It helps to create positive thoughts and behaviours.’ 

‘I put God first, myself second. Taking care of myself physically, mentally and spiritually was key because I will only be able to do the best for my child if I’m doing the best for myself.’ 

‘Find activities you love, meet new people, join the community. If you have a support network, make use of them so you can get a bit of time for yourself.’

‘I am not sure what I experienced was heartbreak so much as deep shock and grief for the life I thought I was going to have. I repeated ‘just keep going’ to myself like a mantra. It’s maybe not much comfort in the thick of it, but it’s really very appropriate. If the only thing you can manage to do is to just keep going, it’s enough. Because the pain really does become bearable, less all-encompassing and eventually an emotion related to past events, not your present life. So just keep going until one day; things feel ok.’ 

‘Focus on the children, be kind to yourself. Help other people, as this will in turn help you.’ 

‘Come to terms with your past, you can’t change it. It’s not a race, everyone takes their own path to recovery. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if needed.’ 

‘No matter how hard you think it is, it’s harder if you can’t move on from your bad experiences, they are lessons for life.’ 

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Thank you so much to all the frolos that contributed their advice to this piece. Join the community today.