The Frolo Guide To Choosing Single Parent Holidays

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Single parent families often get the short straw when it comes to holidays. Having to splash out on family rooms for just one adult and one child, being offered the worst accommodation, worst tables in restaurants or not qualifying for offers or discounts. But single parents probably need a break more than most! So how do you find a good holiday for single parents? Read our guide for some tips to get you started.

single dad and child on single parent holiday on the beach
Photo by Derek Thomson on Unsplash

How to Choose a Holiday Destination as a Single Parent Family

Why Not Be Single Together? Frolo Getaways

Before we go into choosing the perfect holiday for you and your children, here’s our top tip. You might be single, but you’re not alone. There are millions of single parent families in the world, just like yours. And they need a holiday, too! Often finding a family holiday as a single parent can feel impossible, because family rooms are expensive, package deals don’t apply, and single child families worry about company during their trip. So why not team up with a single parent friend and take the kids away together? Or even organise a group holiday via the Frolo app? Hundreds of Frolos have already done this after meeting on the app, and created wonderful family memories for their children by travelling with fellow single parents for much-needed escapes. Whether it’s a group camping trip or taking a family room in a far-flung luxury hotel, you’ll have a buddy for organising and logistics, and the kids can play together. Jump onto the main feed on the Frolo app and ask your fellow single parents where they've been recently on holiday. You can set up a poll if you want help deciding between a few choices! If you want company once you've made a decision, why not create a Meetup for your holiday and invite other single parents along?

Jump over to the app and check out the Travel & Holidays Group Chat and you’ll see what we mean! 

So, where should you go?

As a single parent, finding the right holiday destination can be a daunting task. You want to ensure your family has a fun and relaxing time, while also considering your budget and the needs of your children. Fortunately, there are many wonderful options out there that cater specifically to single parent families, as well as groups that organise trips that you can book on to for single parents specifically. 

Care For The Family

One pre-organised option that takes the work off your plate are the "Take A Break" holidays organised by Care for the Family in the UK. These holidays provide a supportive and inclusive environment for single parent families, allowing you to connect with others like you while exploring somewhere new. 


For the adventurous, Explore also has a full travel guide for single parent families with trips from Turkey to India taking you off the beaten track. They promise to be inclusive of different family set-ups and do not charge single adult occupant room fees. 


Conversely, for the less adventurous, going all-inclusive can be a great way to take the stress out of holidaying if you’re a single parent. Having all your meals taken care off and a setting that allows your children to relax and make friends can mean you will actually have the chance to switch off. There will often be access to childcare on-site, too, so you’ll be able to grab a moment to yourself, if you want to. 


If you’re travelling with young children, the journey can be the toughest part of the trip, and if you’re a single parent having one pair of hands rather than two can add to the challenge. Staying closer to home might be the most relaxing way to holiday if it’s your first trip flying solo, so consider a break in your homeland, perhaps a glamping site, an air bnb or a friendly family-run hotel. 

There’s a full chapter on holidays as a single parent in How To Be A Happy Single Parent, you can order your copy here.

You can connect your potential next holiday partner on the Frolo app today.

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